Latest Update on 2021 Khatron Ke Khiladi 11:
- Winner: Arjun Bijlani bags the trophy, takes home prize money of Rs 20 lakh and a car
- After weeks of thrilling, spine-tingling and daredevil performances and a few emotional moments too, Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 has come to an end.
- Arjun
Bijlani, who was hailed as one of the strongest contenders of Khatron
Ke Khiladi 11, has emerged as the winner of the season. The stunt-based
reality show that entertained the audience with its daredevil stunts has
come to an end with the actor lifting the coveted trophy.
- Who is Arjun Bijlani: Known
for his performances in Miley Jab Hum Tum, Naagin and many others, the
actor performed exceptionally well throughout the season. Besides his
stunt performances, Arjun entertained the audience with his witty comic
acts during the episodes.
- Runners-up: He was pitted against Divyanka Tripathi and Vishal Aditya Singh on the finale day.
- Prize Money: Along with the Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 trophy, Arjun took home prize money of Rs 20 lakh and a brand new car. Designed for the culmination of the season.
- Finale Task was a combination of height, speed, depth and dexterity. It was a stunt that tested the contestants’ strength, determination and will-power, Arjun proved to be an ultimate performer. However, his contender Divyanka gave him a head-to-head and cutthroat competition. Vishal, who was one amongst the 3 finalists, got out of the finale race after he aborted the finale stunt. While Arjun aced the stunt to become the winner of the 11th season of Khatron Ke Khiladi, he was ahead of Divyanka only by 20 seconds. Talking about the winner announcement, the build up of the big moment was as nail biting as ever. And the culmination of the season was as huge as its beginning. With its high octane entertainment and adventure, Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 became the number 1 non-fiction show on TV once again this year.
- Post Winning Interview: “It feels amazing. Itne shock khaaye hain maine aur itni mehnat ki hai show par. During the finale stunt, I kept telling myself, ‘This is it. You have reached this far and now it’s a do-or-die situation. Just go and give it your all’. That’s exactly what I did... I gave the show my all.”
- “It’s always good to be an underdog. Varun (Sood) and Vishal (Aditya Singh) became like brothers on the show, so, they obviously took each other’s name every time they were asked to name the strongest competitor. But Divyanka was definitely a big surprise package for everybody. I always took her name whenever I was asked to name the strongest contestant. Kudos to her for performing stunts after stunts so well. However, only one person wins in a game like KKK. The winner isn’t decided on the basis of his/her performance throughout the season, but in that particular stunt. In the final stunt, I was a little faster than her. It’s just that!”
“Winning or losing really didn’t matter once I was in the finale. Of course, winning the trophy is like the icing on the cake, but what I am taking back home is a great experience, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I got and I am glad that I was there till the finale because of which I ended up doing the maximum number of stunts. The finale stunt was like the climax of a film,” he says.
- The actor says that after his stint on KKK, he is better prepared to face challenges and fears in his life. “As human beings, we are skeptical about a lot of things and such experiences make you confident about facing them. I think I can face anything now. Another lesson I have learnt during the course of the show is that we tend to give up assuming that we have reached our threshold. We feel that we can’t push ourselves physically any further. But this show teaches you to push yourself more than you think you can. Limitations are just in your mind,” he concludes.
- While Arjun’s fans are celebrating his win, Divyanka’s fans are not
convinced with the results. After the winner announcement, many of her
fans took to social media and expressed their disagreement with the
former’s win.
Divyanka’s fans took to Twitter and expressed their outrage over Arjun’s win. While some have called it a ‘fixed win’, few others have called him ‘undeserving' too. - Winning moment Video
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- Winner:Arjun Bijlani's wife Neha and Mouni Roy confirm that Arjun Bijlani is the winner of the reality show. See photo of KKK 11 trophy here.
- Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 finale shoot: Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 contestants gathered in Mumbai to shoot for the finale. All of them seemed pretty excited. The pics are out and we can’t wait for the episode to air.
- Abhinav Shukla gets eliminated in the semi-finale week, Sana Makbul gets evicted
- The ticket finale week was dynamic. Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya and Rahul Vaidya fought for the ticket to finale. Divyanka won the ticket and is the first finalist of the season.
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- Top 3 finalists of this season are Vishal Aditya Singh, Divyanka Tripathi and Arjun Bijlani. However, we have exclusively learned that the finale epiosde will air on 25th and 26th September.
- The youngest contestant, Anushka Sen, got eliminated on Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 this week.
- Sourabh Raaj Jain, Aastha Gill and Vishal Aditya Singh make grand re-entry in Khatron Ke Khiladi 11,It was an electric shock task and the contestants had to unlock for locks. Vishal opened four locks, Sourabh opened three locks and Aastha could just open one lock. Based on this task, Vishal was chosen to continue with the show.
- Nikki Tamboli and Vishal Aditya Singh Eliminated: 'Partner stunts' and the duo nominated for the elimination tasks were Abhinav - Rahul, Nikki - Vishal. Abhinav and Rahul go for the stunt where their upper body is locked amid roaches and monitor lizards. they need to pick up the keys through his mouth and use his hand to open the locks, seen losing their patience but completed the task in 4 minutes 40 seconds. Nikki Tamboli, who is afraid of creepy crawlies, was watching them and the fear on her face was evident, keys were not of the locks and that consumed time in 4 minutes 50 seconds. Thus letting, Nikki and Vishal bid adieu to the show. Vishal got teary-eyed and said that he wanted either him or Varun to lift the trophy.
- Mahek Chahal gets eliminated
- Aastha Gill Eliminated: Aastha Gill had to face the brunt of being in a loosing team in the ‘Team’s week’. Shweta nominated Aastha and Abhinav to perform the elimination stunt. The stunt revolved around swimming and Aastha didn’t know how to swim and hence she was eliminated from the show.
- Sourabh Raaj Jain’s elimination in the Sunday (August 1) episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. Direct elimination, Arjun Bijlani, who had won the K-medal uses its power and pitches Sourabh’s name. Sourabh was pitted against Anushka Sen and Maheck Chahal. Anushka and Maheck were directly in However, up selecting his name, Abhinav Shukla and Shweta Tiwari felt it was unfair to take Sourabh’s name, who has never failed any task or left it incomplete. Sourabh too, felt it was unfair and Arjun should have selected Nikki Tamboli instead, who was just back in the game without performing any task and aborted them all previously. However, due to taking more time while completing the task, Sourabh got evicted.
- Nikki Tamboli gets eliminated in the first week after aborting two tasks - Eliminated on 18th July (Week 1)
Re-entered on 31st July (Week 3)
The first week of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 saw the contestants show their calibre by performing some daredevil stunts. While there were a few participants who surprised everybody with their skils, there were a few who couldn't overcome their fear and panicked during their stunt. One such celebrity contestant was Nikki Tamboli failed to perform the tasks and got the fear 'phanda' (band). She was in the bottom with Rahul Vaidya, Vishal Aditya Singh, and Anushka Sen.- The grand launch
of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 is happening on July 8 and the all the
celebrity contestants have arrived in style. While black seems to be the
chosen colour of the day, celebs like Shweta Tiwari, Sana Makbul and
Aastha Gill added some colours on the stage.
- Earlier, there have been reports that Rahul Vaidya, Varun Sood, Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya, Shweta Tiwari and Arjun Bijlani are the top five of the season. And now we hear that it is Arjun Bijlani who has won Khatron Ke Khiladi 11.
- The
contestants of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 have bid South Africa goodbye and
returned to Mumbai. Actors Arjun Bijlani and Vishal Adtiya Singh, Shweta
Tiwari and others have been sent for seven days quarantine by the BMC.
- Rohit Shetty announces wrap up of this year's show; calls it an extra special season '"A 42-day long crazy & action-packed ride finally comes to an end! However, this season was extra special. At a time when the world is engulfed by a feeling of fear, everyone involved in this show including the crew members, team Colors, the stunt team and the contestants have shown tremendous courage and determination by making this season happen against all the odds. I feel truly blessed and thank God and the Universe that we got through the season without any hurdles. I can proudly say that this time we took the show to the next level and now we cant wait to share the adventure with you all! Signing off from Cape Town, back to Mumbai. Khatron ke khiladi Season 11… Coming soon!"
- Toppers TOP 5 FINALISTRahul Vaidya, Varun Sood, Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya, Shweta Tiwari, Arjun Bijlani
- Eliminated: Vishal Aditya Singh, Abhinav Shukla,, Mahek Chahal, Nikki Tamboli, Astha Gill, Sourabh Raaj Jain and Anushka Sen’s journey will reportedly end.
- Telecast in TV start date: Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 start date July 2021.
- Eid Special : The entire gang of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 got together to celebrate Eid.
- First Photos from Cape Town:
Actor Arjun Bijlani shared the first pictures from Cape Town with Rahul
Vaidya, Sana Makbul, Nikki Tamboli and Aastha Gill on their first day
in Cape Town. The actor shared the quirky pictures with his fellow
contestants from Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. All of them can be seen posing
for the camera against a vibrant background. Arjun captioned the
pictures as “Our first stunt .. posing !!”
- Fying to Cape Town:
After setting off on their adventurous journey from Mumbai, the Khatron
Ke Khiladi 11 celebrities have finally reached Cape Town. But there’s a
lot that happened while they flew to experience the thrill soon.
- Contestants leave for Cape Town to shoot
for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11; see late midnight of 6th May 2021 photos from
the airport (Below)
- Last Movement change: Mahabharat fame Sourabh Raaj Jain is joined in the place of Sanaya Irani, she said 'I can’t participate in Khatron Ke Khiladi because of vertigo and Bigg Boss isn’t my cup of tea'
- Host Rohit Shetty is excited to set forth the thrill once again in his seventh season of hosting the show.
- Arjun Bijlani won the K medal and got himself immunity. He had a choice of doing a stunt or passing it on to another contestant. He chose Sourabh Raaj Jain for the stunt; Sourabh eventually got eliminated because of this. Many people felt this was unfair and that Arjun should have chosen Nikki Tamboli in place of Sourabh. That’s because Nikki has not been performing well on the show and ideally she should have done the elimination stunt. Abhinav Shukla and Shweta Tiwari felt this too. Nikki comments "People are saying that I didn't perform stunts which is why I should have been choosen by Arjun instead of Sourabh. But I couldn't perform well because I had just lost my brother a few days back. I was constantly in fear that if anything happened to me, who would take care of my family. This was on my mind and it didn't let me perform. I am thankful to all for giving me a second chance in the show. I understand that Sourabh has performed well which is why I think Arjun chose him. He probably felt he was a good competitor and would get past elimination round. Unfortunately by a few minutes he lost the round. It all depends on luck."
- Rahul Vaidya’s fans upset,
who trended ‘Apologise to Rahul Vaidya’ on Twitter. This happened after
Arjun was seen comparing him to an animal while poking fun at him, in a
promo. The video that was shared had Arjun jokingly comparing Shweta
Tiwari and Rahul’s behaviour to certain animals. In the promo, Arjun
says, “Yahaan aise ajeebo gareeb praani hai aapke to hosh ud jaayenge.
Vo dekiye vo hai Shweta chalak lomdi ki tarah jise angoor nahi milte
matlab agar stunt mein jeet nahi milti to use angoor khatte lagte hain.”
Moving on to Rahul who is seen taking a selfie, he says, “Rahul ki
shakal lakadbagge (Hyena) jaisi hai. Baaki usme aisi koi quality nahi
Latest Update on 2021 Khatron Ke Khiladi 11@
Contestants leave for Cape Town to shoot for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11; see late midnight photos from the airport
Abhinav Shukla

Varun Sood with girlfriend Divya Agarwal

Rahul Vaidya with girlfriend Disha Parmar

2021-2022 - 100% Confirmed List Khatron Ke Khiladi Contestants, Participants
- Sanaya Irani: NOT Doing Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 & Bigg Boss 15
- Contestants leave for Cape Town to shoot for
Khatron Ke Khiladi 11; see late midnight of 6th May 2021 photos from the
airport (Below)
- Mahabharat fame Sourabh Raaj Jain, who is also one of the contestants this season is excited to be a part of the show and even reveals that KKK was always on his bucket list.
- 2021-2022 - 100% Confirmed List Bigg Boss 15 Contestants, Participants
- Divyanka Tripathi: Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 Contestant
- 2020-2021 Indian Idol 12 (Contestants, Participants, Spoiler, Winner, Eliminations)
- Kaun Banega Crorepati season 13 Audition Details How To Registration in 2021 From Home
- Rahul Vaidya - Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 Contestant
- Nikki Tamboli - Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 Contestant
- Aastha Gill - Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 Contestant
- Sourabh Raaj Jain about Khatron Ke Khiladi 11
- Sanaya Irani - I can’t participate in Khatron Ke Khiladi because of vertigo and Bigg Boss isn’t my cup of tea.
- Actress Luviena Lodh approached for the reality show
- Divya Agarwal and I have been offered the show thrice in the past but we have always denied
- Sofar, Contestants List Disha Vakhani, Shaheer Sheikh, Parth Samthaan, Disha Parmar Approached for New Season?
Contestants leave for Cape Town to shoot for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11; see late midnight photos from the airport
Abhinav Shukla
- After Bigg Boss, Abhinav Shukla is all
set to be seen in Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. The actor was spotted in smart
casuals at the airport. Talking to ETimes TV earlier about the stunts
in the show, he had said, "There are some stunts which can be done very
smartly and one doesn't need to be strong and powerful. I will be
situationally aware, but yes there is the luck factor too which plays a
huge role."
2021-2022: Khatron ke Khiladi Reloaded Season 11 (Contestants, Participants, Spoiler, Winner, Eliminations)
Varun Sood with girlfriend Divya Agarwal
- Even though it's just Varun Sood
participating in the show, girlfriend Divya Agarwal came to see him
off. Interestingly, both of them wore red and posed happily for the
paparazzi. Varun has participated in a number of reality shows before
this, and was last seen as a gang leader in Roadies.
2021 Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 11 (Contestants, Participants)
Rahul Vaidya with girlfriend Disha Parmar
- Rahul and Disha were seen inseparable at the airport. Rahul gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead in the car and then later hugged her before going in. The two looked smart in their casual outfits.
2021-2022 - 100% Confirmed List Khatron Ke Khiladi Contestants, Participants
Sourabh Raaj Jain

Arjun Bijlani

Vishal Aditya Singh

- Sourabh Raaj Jain is also going to be seen in the reality show this time, his second after Nach Baliye. The actor was spotted in black and white gear at the airport. He has done several fiction shows including Patiala Babes, Mahabharat, Mahakali, Chandragupta Maurya, Uttaran and Remix.
Arjun Bijlani
- The actor, who has been a part of several television shows, is taking up something completely different from what he has done on television before. He is all set to be seen in KKK 11.
Vishal Aditya Singh
- After making noise in Nach Baliye and Bigg Boss 13, Vishal Aditya Singh has taken up Khatron Ke Khiladi to prove his mettle. He was seen in all black as he got out of his car to leave for Cape Town.
- The actress, who has been seen in television shows such as Ishaan: Sapno Ko Awaaz De, Kitani Mohabbat Hai 2, and Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?, is all set to participate in the upcoming season of Khatron Ke Khiladi. She was spotted in smart athleisure at the airport.
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