Hot, stylish and brimming with swag and *** appeal, these
men don’t just rule primetime slots on TV but the hearts of scores of
ladies as well. Here’s a look at the heartthrobs of television who made
their way to the Hyderabad Times Most Desirable Men on TV 2020
Telugu TOP 10 Best Hyderabad Times Most Desirable Men on TV:
- Akhil Sarthak
- Jay D’Souza
- Rohit Sahni
- Chandan Kumar
- Ali Reza
- Pradeep Machiraju
- VJ Sunny
- Chandu Gowda
- Ravi Krishna
- Gokul
- Dileep Shetty
- Shivakumar Marihal
- Anchor Ravi
- Pavan Ravindra
- Akarsh Byramudi