Latest Update:
Bigg Boss Marathi 3 fame Utkarsh Shinde is all set to play Saint 'Chokhamela' in Dnyaneshwar Mauli, Singer-composer
Utkarsh Shinde, who earned the title of 'All rounder' in Bigg Boss
Marathi season 3, is now ready to showcase his acting skills to the TV
viewers now. Utkarsh will be seen in the devotional show Dnyaneshwar
Mauli where he will play the role of the Saint Chokhamela in the show.
Dnyaneshwar Mauli actress Titiksha Tawde: Don't
want to limit myself to a particular medium or genre, I want to explore
everything: Popular TV show Dnyaneshwar Mauli recently welcomed
Titiksha Tawde into the show. Titiksha is playing the role of saint
Kanhopatra and she is quite excited about her new project. Titiksha
shared her excitement with ETimes TV and said that it was a challenge
for her to play the character on TV. Titiksha said, "I am really
delighted to play the role of Kanhopatra. Actually, I was born on
Aashadhi Ekadashi festival, and playing the role of saint Kanhopatra,
who was a devotee of the lord Vitthal, is a feather in my cap. Playing
Kanhopatra's role is quite peaceful because she was a saint and she
would dance and sing the songs of Lord Vitthal. I can't sing and dance
like her. So, my process was to portray Kanhopatra with my physical
appearance on-screen. It needs mental preparation. I have not thought of
anything and decided to play the role when Kanhopatra's character came
to me. There is very little information available about Kanhopatra. So, I
tried to gather information from various people and that's how I played
Kanhopatra." Titiksha further said that she is all set to make her
debut in Bollywood with film Shabash Mithu and said that she does not
want to limit herself to a particular genre or a medium. She said, "I am
all set to make my debut on the big screen with Shabash Mithu. I don't
want to limit myself to a particular medium or a genre and I want to
explore everything. I would love to play interesting characters and no
matter whether it is TV show, web series, or a film. If there is an
interesting character, I will portray it."
About the Show:
Several new Marathi TV shows are all set to launch soon and one of them is Dnyaneshwar Mauli.- The makers of Dnyaneshwar Mauli have recently shared the show's teaser on social media and informed the audience that a new show based on the sant Dnyaneshwar's life is soon to launch.
- Saint Dnyaneshwar was a 13th-century Marathi saint, poet, philosopher, and yogi of the Nath Vaishnava tradition. In his short life of 21 years, he authored Dnyaneshwari (a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita) and Amrutanubhav. He made everyone realize that the path of devotion is a key for all seekers irrespective of his or her caste, creed, or gender. Dnyaneshwar Maharaj took live Samadhi at the age of 21 at Alandi, pune on the banks of River Indrayani.
- The show will be based on Sant
Dnyaneshwar's life story and how he became an inspiration for people.
Apart from this, the show will also portray his life journey from his
childhood till Samadhi.
'ज्ञानेश्वर माउली'. 27 सप्टेंबरपासून, सोम.-शनि., संध्या. 7 वा.
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The makers of the show have not revealed the actor's details yet who will be playing saint Dnyaneshwar but it will be revealed soon.
It's going to be interesting to watch how this show sticks to the TRP charts and win the audience's hearts